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Bulk Purchase Custom or Non-Customized Signs

Order customized signs (student’s first name) for your large group, or bulk-order non-customized signs. This can be part of a fundraising effort, or just to recognize a group of graduates for their accomplishments.

For customized bulk-order signs, simply send us a document including the first names of your graduates. We’ll coordinate the customization and printing, and then deliver all of the signs to you at the predetermined time and location ahead of graduation.

For non-customized, bulk-order signs simply send us any preferred text you’d like included and we’ll print the quantity desired and deliver the bulk order to you for distribution.

For orders over 25 quantity, we will include professional design services to create that perfect sign!

Contact us to discuss your bulk-order needs!

Fundraising Opportunities Now Available!

You can earn money for your school, extracurricular athletic program, or extracurricular club a couple of different ways!

  1. We’ll give you a promotional code unique to your fundraising effort, and you’ll earn money each time we receive an order with that code.
  2. Deliver and/or install all of the purchased signs and you’ll keep any $5 installation fee that is paid for single-sign orders that request lawn installation.
To help you with your fundraising efforts, we will supply you with printable Flyer artwork as well as social media imagery. These materials will be customized with your School’s Colors & Logo and include your fundraiser’s promotional code along with a custom QR code. All you’ll need to do is print and distribute! We can design a custom fundraising program to fit your needs!

Contact us to discuss your fundraising goals and how we can help!


Email or call Bouchard Communications at (916) 783-6161.